Select Enquiry List
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1. Click ePathway General Enquiry - Applications below to expand the enquiry types.

2. Select the enquiry type.

3. Click the NEXT button to continue.


• Enquiries are created on request and may take several seconds to be displayed.


These pages:

• Are intended to be used by the enquirer only.

• Must not be used for any other purposes, given to a third party or used for direct marketing facilitation.

• Are only for enquiries for applications lodged with Council.

• Are not for proposed developments that do not require a permit.

ePathway General Enquiry - Applications
Planning Application Enquiry

This will display information on Planning Permit Applications lodged in the last year.

For information on older applications, please contact Council on (03) 84708850

To view the Planning Permit Register, please visit our Planning Department at 274 Gower Street, Preston.

Planning Applications currently being advertised

This will display information on Planning Permit Applications currently being advertised.

For information on older applications, please contact Council on (03) 84708850

To view the Planning Permit Register, please visit our Planning Department at 274 Gower Street, Preston.

Building Permit Application Enquiry

This will display information on Building Permit Applications lodged in the last year.

For information on older applications, please contact Council on (03) 84708899

To view the Building Permit Register, please visit our Building Department at 274 Gower Street, Preston.

Building Notices and Orders

This will display information on Building Notices and Orders issued.

For further information, please contact Council on (03) 84708899